– Conventional TEM imaging
– Cryo-TEM
– Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) with iCorr system
Academic users: $75/h, Industry users: $180/h
Academic users: $625/day, Industry users: $1365/day
Maximum Resolution: 1.4 Å with 200 kV LaB6 filament
Equipped with a high-tilt, high-precision motorized stage for 3D electron tomography
Integrated iCorr system
Sample section on the grid can be imaged with a fluorescence microscope (20x objective lens, Ex. 488 nm/good for GFP, FITC, Alexa488) to find the region of interest (ROI)
Can be switched from fluorescence to TEM mode to zoom into the ROI
Sample Holder:
Standard holder
Fischione single-tilt tomography holder
Fischione dual-tilt tomography holder
Gatan cryo-holder with a Smart Set controller
Camera and Control:
AMT 2K side mount CCD camera
FEI Eagle 4K bottom mount CCD camera
FEI Xpress 3D software operated by Windows XP