LSI Imaging Facility is pleased to announce the incoming LSI Imaging Event:
Empower Your Confocal Imaging Experiments featuring Evident FV4000 Confocal laser scanning microscope.
Introductory Presentation: Monday, July 22 at 1:00 pm with light refreshments
Life Sciences Centre Room 1330.
Hands-On Demonstrations: Tuesday, July 23 – Friday, August 9
Life Sciences Centre-Room 2340 (please enter through the south door with a pin pad code lock)
Please sign up a time for the hands-on here:
The demo times will be 10 AM-12 PM and from 2-4 PM (please ignore the time on the above sign-up link). For live cell imaging (overnight), please take the afternoon time from 2-4 PM or can do it from 4 PM onward.
The FV4000 features a total of 6 confocal detectors, transmitted light detection, and 10 laser lines (405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 594, 640, 685, 730 and 785 nm). Lenses are from 2X (large area overviews and well plate screening) to 60X 1.5 NA to push resolution beyond 200 nm and include 30X 1.05 NA 800 um working distance for thick samples, using Silicone oil. It can accommodate standard slides, 4-slide screens (only air lenses), 35 mm dishes, chamber slides, and multi-well dishes.