We are very excited to announce that we have additional Leica events about their Stellaris 8 Dive Multicolor Multiphoton Microscope.
1) Lunch and Learn on November 8th (12-2pm)
Lianne Dale from Leica will give us a talk about their demo system, Stellaris 8 Dive single photon and multiphoton combined confocal microscopy system.
2) Stellaris 8 Dive Demo from November 20th to 24th
You can bring your own samples for the demo (live, fixed, biological and materials samples) to try out their system (upright microscope, 5 visible laser lines, Dual IR laser (tunable 660-1320nm), HyD detectors, life time imaging by TauSens and Falcon, FRAP and more). BIF staff will be there to discuss your experiments and find out your imaging needs.
If you would like to register for the event, please contact Eun (eunkyoung.lee@botany.ubc.ca).
Registration is required for both events.
Please note that registration for the “Lunch and Learn” will be closed on Friday this week.
Hope that you can join the “Lunch and Learn” and hands-on microscopy demo!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.